Snake Priestess Temple Holy Oil



This anointing temple holy oil is designed to bring you into a sacred and blissful union with the Snake Priestess within, to deepen your access to the power of Kundalini and strengthen your personal connection with Her.

This holy oil can serve you in gracefully awakening to the Mysteries of the Snake Priestess Temple, assisting you in harnessing the serpentine flow of life force energy that flows along the spinal column.

This holy oil can guide you towards an enriching connection to the ancestral fires of wisdom, igniting a tingling aliveness within you, aligning and fortifying the flow of pranic energy, and inspiring an ecstatic release of what no longer serves you, regenerating the life force that brings both healing and nourishment.

Blended on the 3rd Day after Dark of the Moon, this Anointing Holy Oil has been infused with sacred sound, tuning forks, and geometrical light codes. They are brought into coherency with crystalline energy using a harmonic crystal singing bowl sound activation. This Temple Oil has been synergized with crystalline energy from Garnet, Temple Lingam, Herkimer Diamond, Carnelian, Smoky Quartz, Obsidian and Black Pearl.

The powerful frequencies of 5 holy oils: Vetiver, Ylang Ylang, Frankincense, Jasmine and Chamomile, and Dragon’s Blood Cinnabari resin in this blend, have been alchemized, aligned, activated and blessed by the Five 13 Moon Archetypes that this particular Temple Anointing Holy Oil is evoking: Great Mother, Creator Destroyer Preserver, Primal Goddess, Wise Woman, and Queen of Death. 

This powerful sacred technology (Tool) of anointing will assist you in decoding what your Essence is communicating to you. This holy oil can help you shed the layers that obscure your essence and no longer serve you, revealing your radiance and delivering grace through Vyana (Conscious Touch), blessing yourself and others. 

This holy oil can assist in embodying who you truly are: a Snake Priestess, walking as Love in the world! Embrace the blissful benefits of this precious holy oil—an ally for healers, tantrikas, and medicine wo/men. This temple holy oil is intended to be used in a conscious ceremonial setting. 

“As lightning, I now evoke raw potency, celestial fire and its power to awaken the revealed expression of who I am, with the love song of the galactic core singing in my blood.” –Ariel Spilsbury, 13 Moon Oracle



This anointing temple holy oil is designed to bring you into a sacred and blissful union with the Snake Priestess within, to deepen your access to the power of Kundalini and strengthen your personal connection with Her.

This holy oil can serve you in gracefully awakening to the Mysteries of the Snake Priestess Temple, assisting you in harnessing the serpentine flow of life force energy that flows along the spinal column.

This holy oil can guide you towards an enriching connection to the ancestral fires of wisdom, igniting a tingling aliveness within you, aligning and fortifying the flow of pranic energy, and inspiring an ecstatic release of what no longer serves you, regenerating the life force that brings both healing and nourishment.

Blended on the 3rd Day after Dark of the Moon, this Anointing Holy Oil has been infused with sacred sound, tuning forks, and geometrical light codes. They are brought into coherency with crystalline energy using a harmonic crystal singing bowl sound activation. This Temple Oil has been synergized with crystalline energy from Garnet, Temple Lingam, Herkimer Diamond, Carnelian, Smoky Quartz, Obsidian and Black Pearl.

The powerful frequencies of 5 holy oils: Vetiver, Ylang Ylang, Frankincense, Jasmine and Chamomile, and Dragon’s Blood Cinnabari resin in this blend, have been alchemized, aligned, activated and blessed by the Five 13 Moon Archetypes that this particular Temple Anointing Holy Oil is evoking: Great Mother, Creator Destroyer Preserver, Primal Goddess, Wise Woman, and Queen of Death. 

This powerful sacred technology (Tool) of anointing will assist you in decoding what your Essence is communicating to you. This holy oil can help you shed the layers that obscure your essence and no longer serve you, revealing your radiance and delivering grace through Vyana (Conscious Touch), blessing yourself and others. 

This holy oil can assist in embodying who you truly are: a Snake Priestess, walking as Love in the world! Embrace the blissful benefits of this precious holy oil—an ally for healers, tantrikas, and medicine wo/men. This temple holy oil is intended to be used in a conscious ceremonial setting. 

“As lightning, I now evoke raw potency, celestial fire and its power to awaken the revealed expression of who I am, with the love song of the galactic core singing in my blood.” –Ariel Spilsbury, 13 Moon Oracle


This anointing temple holy oil is designed to bring you into a sacred and blissful union with the Snake Priestess within, to deepen your access to the power of Kundalini and strengthen your personal connection with Her.

This holy oil can serve you in gracefully awakening to the Mysteries of the Snake Priestess Temple, assisting you in harnessing the serpentine flow of life force energy that flows along the spinal column.

This holy oil can guide you towards an enriching connection to the ancestral fires of wisdom, igniting a tingling aliveness within you, aligning and fortifying the flow of pranic energy, and inspiring an ecstatic release of what no longer serves you, regenerating the life force that brings both healing and nourishment.

Blended on the 3rd Day after Dark of the Moon, this Anointing Holy Oil has been infused with sacred sound, tuning forks, and geometrical light codes. They are brought into coherency with crystalline energy using a harmonic crystal singing bowl sound activation. This Temple Oil has been synergized with crystalline energy from Garnet, Temple Lingam, Herkimer Diamond, Carnelian, Smoky Quartz, Obsidian and Black Pearl.

The powerful frequencies of 5 holy oils: Vetiver, Ylang Ylang, Frankincense, Jasmine and Chamomile, and Dragon’s Blood Cinnabari resin in this blend, have been alchemized, aligned, activated and blessed by the Five 13 Moon Archetypes that this particular Temple Anointing Holy Oil is evoking: Great Mother, Creator Destroyer Preserver, Primal Goddess, Wise Woman, and Queen of Death. 

This powerful sacred technology (Tool) of anointing will assist you in decoding what your Essence is communicating to you. This holy oil can help you shed the layers that obscure your essence and no longer serve you, revealing your radiance and delivering grace through Vyana (Conscious Touch), blessing yourself and others. 

This holy oil can assist in embodying who you truly are: a Snake Priestess, walking as Love in the world! Embrace the blissful benefits of this precious holy oil—an ally for healers, tantrikas, and medicine wo/men. This temple holy oil is intended to be used in a conscious ceremonial setting. 

“As lightning, I now evoke raw potency, celestial fire and its power to awaken the revealed expression of who I am, with the love song of the galactic core singing in my blood.” –Ariel Spilsbury, 13 Moon Oracle

The Snake Priestess Holy Oil contains:

Vetiver: Banisher of Fear guides you towards a deeper connection with the Divine Mother, leading you on a journey within to gather and transform your shadows into light. Vetiver's strong, smoky burnt earth scent stimulates the mind, allowing your consciousness to journey through a dimensional portal and bring back newfound wisdom for yourself and the collective. Vetiver is highly regarded for its unique ability to create a harmonious bridge between the root and crown chakras. Its pungent fragrance is known for its grounding and calming properties, which can help to let go of identities and balance an imbalanced root chakra, particularly in instances where it has become disrupted as a result of shock or trauma, creating a harmonious balance between the physical and spiritual realms. Vetiver connects you with the deep ancestral wisdom, activating your staff from root to crown!

Affirmation: In the Stillness, I Reconnect with the Grandmothers’ Wisdom Living Through Me.

Ylang Ylang: Sensuality’s Temple advocates the use of its blissful, sensual qualities to kindle the flames of kundalini passion and awaken the vibrant power of your sensuality by harnessing the serpentine flow of life force energy that flows along the spinal column. The delicate and powerful infusion of Ylang Ylang oil ignites a tender longing to rekindle relationships, and a yearning to bring closure to pending affairs with those closest to one's heart. Ylang Ylang, the majestic monarch of arousal, has a revered history in the ancient Temples dedicated to the Goddess, where her power to awaken & ignite the senses and kindle sensual desires was honored and celebrated. This Holy Oil can catalyze your passionate aliveness to heal, connect and make whole again while simultaneously celebrating the ceaseless change, the dissolution and shedding that is constantly happening, softening your heart and body temple, inviting you to be in Divine lovership? with yourself and know yourself, your beauty, your divinity, your radiance and become the conduit of the universal love song. It can support you in your willingness to not know and simply feel through a map of love (body temple), and see essential essence.

Affirmation: I Am a Lover - Free of Inhibitions.

Frankincense: A Connection to the Eternal encourages the embracing of one's inherent nature and the embodiment of a life lived from the viewpoint of the eternal, so that wisdom may guide every action, word, and thought. This visionary oil is utilized in the anointing of the third eye, illuminating one's recognition of their existence, unchanging and timeless. This Holy Oil embodies the sagacity of bygone eras, and elevates one's capacity to still the mind and attain a state of serenity. From this receptive state, spiritual communion and insight are amplified & accentuated. This Holy Oil can support the emotional detox that regeneration brings.

Affirmation: By the Light of the Divine, I Am Whole.

Jasmine: Dancing with Fervent Passion guides you to a vibrational frequency that activates the crown chakra, allowing for reception of divine inspiration and ardent devotion by guiding the energy in an ascending, spiral pattern. Jasmine transports you to a Realm of Limitless Opportunities and Abundant Resources. This Holy Oil signals the commencement of the pursuit for equilibrium & balance within the heart, requiring a harmonious fusion of passion and compassion. This Holy Oil invites you to not fear love or bodies and can support you in holding the ones who forgot themselves, releasing the shock, and supporting their awakening. Jasmine sparks the remembrance of the Snake Priestess Temples as a place of worship and devotion to Love.

Affirmation: I Stretch Towards the Stars, Gathering the Treasures of my Heart's Desire to Awaken.

Chamomile: Living True to your Inner Knowing. This Holy Oil is ideal for balancing the chakras. It provides inner peace, satisfaction and soothes feelings of anxiety & fear. Chamomile nurtures confidence and opens the heart to the expression of love and compassion. It possesses a unique ability to bring you to your center and instill a sense of safety. It calms and stabilizes the emotional & mental body. Chamomile offers aid in gaining clarity of perception. It majestically dispels past emotional debris. Chamomile operates in the realm of light; fostering a connection with the inner child. Chamomile has a rich history, revered by the ancient Egyptians and honored as a symbol of its restorative powers. Its pristine white and brilliant yellow flowers stretch towards the sun, imbuing the essence with celestial light and healing from the heavens. This gentle, compassionate oil can dispels darkness and illuminates, imparting serenity and drawing attention to the universal light that exists within every being. With each breath of the fragrant Chamomile, one is enveloped in a blanket of serenity, causing the spirit to unwind and bask in inner peace.

Affirmation: I Live True to my Inner Knowing and I Bring Forth My Radiance.

Dragon’s Blood: Guardian of Frequency counsel facilitates a link between you and the nuanced resonances of multi-dimensional reality. This resin unlocks the gift of visionary insight, as it was used in revered ceremonies for its potency in purging negative entities and for inscribing secret messages. It is praised as a symbol of courage for venturing beyond appearances and entering alternative states of consciousness. This Holy Resin can support you in purifying and releasing what no longer serves you, inviting you to be a conduit for the purifying and transmuting fire of the Old Ones.

How to anoint yourself: to begin to anoint yourself and apply the essences, gently shake the bottle or put it between the palms of your hands and roll it back and forth between them.

Close your eyes for a moment. Take a deep breath centering yourself, making connections with the frequencies and essence within the blend, activating your "hands of light". Then allow a few precious drops to flow into your palm. Rub your palms together to release the essence and breathe in the aromas. Cup your hands together and raise towards your nose, fanning the scent toward your face and bringing into your body the higher frequencies contained in these consecrated holy oils. Then, with Vyana (conscious touch) you may anoint the body with the holy oil. Powerful places to anoint are: wrists, breast (gateway to the heart), heart, throat, third eye, and feet. Be gentle with the body, sending strong intentions and messages of love and caring for your physical body temple, reassuring it, and directing healing.

Disclaimer: Nothing on this site should be interpreted as personal medical advice. Always consult with your doctor before changing anything related to your healthcare.

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