Goddess of Compassion - 13 Moon Anointing Holy Oils™



Contains the oils of: Blue Lotus, Peppermint, Gardenia, Lavender, Clary Sage, Chamomile, Palmarosa, Marjoram, Geranium, Lemongrass, May Chang, Melissa, Sage, Sweet Basil, Bergamot, Black Frankincense, Coriander, Angelica Root, Jasmine, Helichrysum and Oakmoss. This Anointing Holy Oil has been synergized with geometrical light codes and crystalline energy from Amethyst, Lepidolite and Elestial crystals.

Evocation: “I evoke She Who Enfolds in Mercy, Forgiveness and Compassion.” Holy Beloved Goddess of Compassion, I call out for your unconditional love, mercy and forgiveness. I pray for you to break down, purify and transmute my reactions to all projections from the world with which I have consciously or unconsciously, identified. I call forth and evoke the power of the violet flame to release the cause, effect, record and memory of these identifications and contractions now. Goddess of Compassion, receive me now into the heart of compassion. Receive me now into the purity of your lotus awareness. I call forth your blessings with these words: "I recognize. I seed".

Goddess of Compassion Mantras: OM MANI PADME HUM, Om Tara Tu Tare Ture Swaha (Tibetan, Hindu Chants)

With the Divine design and intent to be used as tools for spiritual transformation, these unique treasured essences of nature were blended and alchemized in prayers and ceremony, in harmony with the qualities, symbols, element, sacred tools, color frequency, sacred geometry and crystals associated with the Goddess of Compassion Archetype.

This 13 Moon Anointing Oil™ was made with love, devotion, reverence, sacred intent and high spiritual integrity. Blended on the 3rd Day after Dark of the Moon, this Anointing Holy Oil has been infused with sacred sound, tuning forks, and geometrical light codes. They are brought into coherency with crystalline energy using a harmonic crystal singing bowl sound activation. This 13 Moon Anointing Oil™ is intended to bring you into a sacred and blissful union with the Divine Feminine.

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Contains the oils of: Blue Lotus, Peppermint, Gardenia, Lavender, Clary Sage, Chamomile, Palmarosa, Marjoram, Geranium, Lemongrass, May Chang, Melissa, Sage, Sweet Basil, Bergamot, Black Frankincense, Coriander, Angelica Root, Jasmine, Helichrysum and Oakmoss. This Anointing Holy Oil has been synergized with geometrical light codes and crystalline energy from Amethyst, Lepidolite and Elestial crystals.

Evocation: “I evoke She Who Enfolds in Mercy, Forgiveness and Compassion.” Holy Beloved Goddess of Compassion, I call out for your unconditional love, mercy and forgiveness. I pray for you to break down, purify and transmute my reactions to all projections from the world with which I have consciously or unconsciously, identified. I call forth and evoke the power of the violet flame to release the cause, effect, record and memory of these identifications and contractions now. Goddess of Compassion, receive me now into the heart of compassion. Receive me now into the purity of your lotus awareness. I call forth your blessings with these words: "I recognize. I seed".

Goddess of Compassion Mantras: OM MANI PADME HUM, Om Tara Tu Tare Ture Swaha (Tibetan, Hindu Chants)

With the Divine design and intent to be used as tools for spiritual transformation, these unique treasured essences of nature were blended and alchemized in prayers and ceremony, in harmony with the qualities, symbols, element, sacred tools, color frequency, sacred geometry and crystals associated with the Goddess of Compassion Archetype.

This 13 Moon Anointing Oil™ was made with love, devotion, reverence, sacred intent and high spiritual integrity. Blended on the 3rd Day after Dark of the Moon, this Anointing Holy Oil has been infused with sacred sound, tuning forks, and geometrical light codes. They are brought into coherency with crystalline energy using a harmonic crystal singing bowl sound activation. This 13 Moon Anointing Oil™ is intended to bring you into a sacred and blissful union with the Divine Feminine.


Contains the oils of: Blue Lotus, Peppermint, Gardenia, Lavender, Clary Sage, Chamomile, Palmarosa, Marjoram, Geranium, Lemongrass, May Chang, Melissa, Sage, Sweet Basil, Bergamot, Black Frankincense, Coriander, Angelica Root, Jasmine, Helichrysum and Oakmoss. This Anointing Holy Oil has been synergized with geometrical light codes and crystalline energy from Amethyst, Lepidolite and Elestial crystals.

Evocation: “I evoke She Who Enfolds in Mercy, Forgiveness and Compassion.” Holy Beloved Goddess of Compassion, I call out for your unconditional love, mercy and forgiveness. I pray for you to break down, purify and transmute my reactions to all projections from the world with which I have consciously or unconsciously, identified. I call forth and evoke the power of the violet flame to release the cause, effect, record and memory of these identifications and contractions now. Goddess of Compassion, receive me now into the heart of compassion. Receive me now into the purity of your lotus awareness. I call forth your blessings with these words: "I recognize. I seed".

Goddess of Compassion Mantras: OM MANI PADME HUM, Om Tara Tu Tare Ture Swaha (Tibetan, Hindu Chants)

With the Divine design and intent to be used as tools for spiritual transformation, these unique treasured essences of nature were blended and alchemized in prayers and ceremony, in harmony with the qualities, symbols, element, sacred tools, color frequency, sacred geometry and crystals associated with the Goddess of Compassion Archetype.

This 13 Moon Anointing Oil™ was made with love, devotion, reverence, sacred intent and high spiritual integrity. Blended on the 3rd Day after Dark of the Moon, this Anointing Holy Oil has been infused with sacred sound, tuning forks, and geometrical light codes. They are brought into coherency with crystalline energy using a harmonic crystal singing bowl sound activation. This 13 Moon Anointing Oil™ is intended to bring you into a sacred and blissful union with the Divine Feminine.

5ml, packaged in a velvet bag nested in dry flower petals, accompanied by a beautiful Archetypal Divine Feminine Evocation Card that includes a beautiful, heartfelt evocation for this archetype and the mantra(s) on one side and on the other side it has a list of the oils contained in this holy oil blend. The card is intended for placing in altar and to read the evocation while anointing yourself.

How to anoint yourself: gently roll the bottle between your hands before opening it and then allow the treasured droplets to flow into your palm. Next, rub your palms together to activate your hands of light and the oil's essence, deeply inhale the aromas and with vyana- conscious touch- apply the oils to any place on your body that you feel called to anoint as you speak the evocation provided and/or your own.

Disclaimer: Nothing on this site should be interpreted as personal medical advice. Always consult with your doctor before changing anything related to your healthcare.

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