Welcome to blue dragon alchemy, where ancient alchemy meets modern spirituality!

Welcome to the alchemical work of

Bogar Argon Carrillo…

You have come here for a reason.

You may not be aware of what it is yet, but You were called.

Let us explore that together…

It is my honor to create artisanal products that are artistic tools of the ancient alchemists designed to help you remember who you truly are.

I also offer products & services dedicated to personal growth and spiritual transformation.

I thrive and shine when creating and expressing from my heart. In all that I do, I honor and invoke the healing power of unconditional love, light, and divine grace.

May you see yourself—and all life as I see you—through the eyes of the Divine.


Deepening with Argon

My Services Include:

Anointing - Private Sessions with Argon to Anoint the Body and Awaken the Soul, In-Person.
Reiki - Private Sessions (In-Person & Long Distance) Include Reiki Flow, Healing Sound Therapy and Third Eye Anointing.

Custom Rattles And Sacred Tools For Healing & Transformation

Artisan Hydrosol Distillation