What are archetypes?

Living Life As Myth

by Ariel Spilsbury

“Archetypes are form constants that exist in and define a field of consciousness which is beyond time, space and the individual.” Carl Jung


Archetypes are perennial themes that reside at the level of the collective mindfield,  universal soul. These themes are representations of our collective soul’s yearning, imagination, and deepest desires.... Anytime a person or character is ‘bigger than life’ we are seeing the enactment of an archetype. Archetypes are born of the collective soul but are enacted by individual souls. Their mythical dramas play out in the daily life of human beings.... Archetypes are life models, images and ideals that guide the direction of your life towards your soul’s ultimate destiny.... Every human being is attuned to some archetype or types. Each person is hard wired to enact or model archetypal characteristics. Our individual archetypes are reflected in our desires and intentions. Ask yourself  “What do I want?” “What is the purpose of my existence?” and if you listen with your soul, the archetype will answer. Deepak Chopra

“Archetypes are patterns of psychic energy, patterns of relationship. Archetypes are organs of essence, the cosmic blueprints of ‘ how it all works.’ Archetypes are patterns of creation yearning at the threshold of reality to enter into space and time. Archetypes are constructs that provide order, meaning and direction to apparent chaos.... Archetypes link individuals through time and space into an Essence family.” Dr. Jean Houston

“Archetypes are original patterns, subtle transcendental forms that are the first forms of manifestation. Radiant patterns, audible illuminations, brilliantly colored geometrical shapes and luminosities, rainbows of light, sound and vibration out of which the world of manifestation and the material world condenses. Archetypes are large mythic containers of consciousness that are the structural energetic form behind the manifested form in physical reality. Archetypal energy heals, catalyzes and transforms at a vibrational level of consciousness that goes beyond what the mind can cognize.

Archetypes function to assist us in looking at our lives from a much larger, more mythic and spiritually expansive perspective, than our ordinary ego’s day to day view of the self. In virtually all cultures, there are about twenty to twenty three mythic, archetypal containers of divine consciousness. These archetypal containers, when looked at as a whole, provide a patterning of consciousness, a blueprint for spiritual evolution. These archetypes can be seen in Tarot archetypes, Jungian archetypes, Mayan archetypes and many others. Archetypal forms remain constant as an energet6ic pattern of consciousness, regardless of how the individual form varies from culture to culture or time to time. These archetypal containers rise up from the collective unconscious, especially in the drama of the life of humans, making their presence known and felt as spiritual reminders that we are more than we seem in daily life.” Ariel Spilsbury

How do you know when you are experiencing an archetype?


“You know you are experiencing an archetype when you have an earthquake or revelation with no discernable cause!” Lawrence Blair

“You may begin to sense these transformative energies in many ways such as a sensation of acute expansion or a feeling of energy, heat or electricity pouring into the top of your head, neck back or in other specific places in your body. You may feel a tingling in your third eye. Or you may experience a pronounced shift in perception in vision, cognition or feeling. You may experience disorientation or suddenly changing reference points, which for some may create what I have fondly termed “cosmic car sickness.” You may get a feeling like catching your breath as if startled, or a deep sense of recognition in your heart or solar plexus. Don’t be concerned at these acknowledgments of archetypal presence just relax and breath more deeply.”  Ariel Spilsbury

“The partnership of archetype and human being is one that mystics and poets have long known, for myths and archetypes communicate from the poetic level of mind, allowing nature to speak to the imagining soul rather than just presenting us with scientific laws and probabilities. This poetic mind is of a higher order of coherence because  it has color, aesthetic form, rhythmic relationship. It belongs to a finer frequency of the mind-brain continuum. Indeed, evidence exists that in certain states of consciousness, the mind-brain system appears to move into a larger wave resonance, a frequency that may itself be nested in a continuum of mind beyond the field of the experiencing body. In this state, mystics and highly creative people come back enriched and enlivened to do or think remarkable things. When we meet myths and archetypes in this state, we can speak directly to the inner imaginal realm in which mind, nature and spirit converge and our highest potentials become available to us!.” Dr. Jean Houston

If you would like to deepen with these Divine Feminine archetypes, get a 13 Moon Oracle and learn more HERE

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“I have long believed that it is impossible for us to know who we truly are unless we understand archetypes and, more specifically, our own personal archetypes, because archetypes are the psychic lenses through which we view ourselves and the world around us.”

Caroline Myss