Bogar Argon Carrillo

I envision a world where there is peace. Where people remember and know they are loved, and are love itself. A world where joy is the compass for our actions and our interactions. And where we compassionately recognize the Divine in ourselves and each other.

My Story

Welcome to Love’s embrace!

I have traveled lifetimes to be with you today. I am an emissary of unconditional love; holding the story of love and acceptance in my heart for all beings.

My name is Bógar Argon Carrillo. I am an artisan, healer, and a modern alchemist, dedicated to creating custom sacred tools for transformation and healing. My offerings are designed to support and assist you in remembering who you truly are and remind you of your innate wholeness and innocent heart.

I was born and raised in Pueblo Magico Jerez, Zacatecas in Central Mexico. As a young boy I watched my great grandmother, Maria Concepcion, create herbal remedies and elixirs. Relying on both instinct and intuition she listened for the healing wisdom of each plant while creating her medicines. During those years she often reminded me that there is a spiritual world available to us— one that is unseen and yet powerful beyond measure. My life has been dedicated to coming to know this spiritual world and bringing its wisdom to the lives of those I work with.

Like my great grandmother, through study, apprenticeship and spiritual initiation I use my innate sensitivity and spiritual healing abilities to serve others. I know what it is to suffer emotionally, to struggle with the past, and the tenderness of the heart. My life journey had taught me how to emerge from suffering into emotional and spiritual freedom.

I spent twenty years in a successful corporate career before moving to California after beginning to remember the ancient gifts held within me. At that time, I shifted the focus of my life toward my spiritual maturation process and offering myself in Service in new ways.

My own liberation awakened my dedication to helping others reclaim the heart of who they are, and embody the truth of their empowered spiritual nature. I create sacred space, filled with love, comfort and healing, where pain can be released and the beauty of what is ahead may be celebrated. The tools I create also work beyond the level of the linear mind to activate those remembrances within you. I was never officially trained in HOW to create the tools I make…my hands, my heart and my Soul remembered and showed me the way. I didn’t learn from another how to become an artisan, my cells remembered and I began to create.

Over the past 20 years I have curated my gifts through deep study with master practitioners and immersive trainings in shamanic traditions, ancient mystery schools, sacred ceremony and sound healing. I create one-of-a-kind archetypal talismans, uniquely designed for each individual. These tools are crafted by deeply listening to the guidance of divine wisdom. As a trained priest of Ariel Spilsbury’s 13 Moon Mystery School, and certified anointing priest/teacher of Diana DuBrow’s Emerald Temple, I create personal custom holy anointing oil blends, and work with the sacred art of anointing. I am a Reiki master and teacher of the Usui Lineage. I am certified in Quantum Touch and massage therapy, and I am a Universal Life Church Ordained Minister.

My work is an expression of love and beauty, the art of alchemy, and my passion about honoring the sacredness of all life. In service to divine wisdom, I help the physical body return to balance, as we call the spirit home. I dedicate myself and my work to walking as love’s presence and healing the Heart of Humanity.

As an emissary of unconditional love, I remember the interconnectedness of all life and that—every molecule of it—is sacred.”

“...So are you.”

Listen to Argon on the a modern priestess podcast and view the Sanctuary of the Open Heart Community Luminaries conversation with Diana DuBrow & Ariel Spilsbury

Praise for Argon

The art of anointing is over 7000 years old and I have been training students for over 40 years. Argon is the only man that has been through this deep initiation. He is my most beloved anointer with true gifts in his abilities to work with holy oils. To become an aromatic alchemist requires dedication and the ability to connect into the spirit of a plant’s essence. Argon is a master blender and honors this tradition through the anointing oils he has so lovingly created through Blue Dragon Alchemy. He has a true gift in his ability to sit with the oils that are being called into becoming his beautiful blends. It was an honor to certify Argon as the Priest/ Alchemist, master of scents, through the Emerald Temple. Argon’s mastery has qualified him to share his knowledge of holy oils and anointing as it was done in the ancient mystical temples. Argon is my temple’s treasure and I highly recommend his abilities to initiate through his devotion.
— Diana DuBrow ~ Emerald Temple
Argon is an alchemist and shamanic healer for these times. I was transported into a deeply transformative container of powerful reset during my anointing session with Argon. He created such a loving and compassionate space for me to receive the sacred oil blends he had crafted and be held in his adept healing presence. He intuitively and masterfully anointed my body as he utilized different sound healing tools and modalities to transport me back to temples of old. It was a timeless portal of deep regeneration and release of what no longer energetically served me. What a safe and powerful healing space he creates! I am so grateful to have been gifted this experience.
— Eden Amadora
Argon’s sacred rattles have a heart beat to them. Such care and attention to detail has gone into each one, that they are as much a work of art as a sacred tool. After speaking to me and asking questions to find out who I am, Argon intuitively designed my rattle so that each element, each feather, crystal, symbol, color, seed, symbolized an aspect of me. I did not even tell him I had just had a Vesica Pisces tattoo on my arm, but when my rattle arrived, there it was painted on it! My rattle is incredibly beautiful and has become a powerful sacred tool that deeply reflects me and my medicine. I’m grateful and honored to have such a sacred rattle, clearly created with deep loving presence. Thank you Argon.
— Charlotte Sophia
I have worked with many people as an intuitive and have had the pleasure of working with many evolved and deeply loving beings on this earth plane. Bogar is by far one of the most skilled and loving beings I’ve come to know on this earth. If you are lucky enough to have a session with Bogar, be prepared to be illuminated to the point of transcending your existence here and to reaching frequencies rarely accessible to most on this plane - It is pure divine magic and LOVE.
— Avis Baum
Bogar Carrillo,known by many as Argon, is an Alchemist of many sorts. I have sat in ceremony with this powerful being and have witnessed his Presence as Love Embodied. His capacity to create a coherent heart field in service to the One and to the Gaia is profound. He offered a water blessings ceremony at one of my retreats. Every piece offered was woven in as a luminous thread to a collective dream web. The beauty in which he creates everything he does is a gift as a Priest of Beauties Way. Argon carries the wisdom of the ancients, of the plants, of the stones, of the trees, and uses them to transmute, transform, and transcend any remnants of dissonance restoring harmony and health. Being in his heart field creates coherency in all things. Blue Dragon Alchemy is a gift to humanity. Bless you Beloved Brother.
— Sarah uMa, Inner Alchemist
This is a thank you for the experience of sharing your beautiful rattles in our Primal Goddess immersion day! I will never forget the sight of each rattle so carefully and lovingly wrapped and positioned as a collective, and the sounds in the room as all of us
primal goddesses beheld their glory. It was with great excitement that each sister found HER rattle. Mine had a very naturally occurring snake on the side! In deep silent reverence we added symbols and color to the exquisite golden orbs, every sister’s so
uniquely different. We were in awe of the beauty of the feathers and the artistically placed leather pieces and beads and golden painted handle with red triangle at the end. The list of contents from semi precious stone to arousing ylang ylang scent lit up our
hearts. We felt loved by you Bogar, and we felt your love and honoring of the Goddess. Thank you for the rattle that rests beautifully upon my altar between each use for shifting energy and activating my primal force. I use this before I hold healing space for my clients and for my own self care.
In loving devotion.
— Cynthia LoRe
I did not know what to expect with my session with Bogar, and the only word which comes close is “inefable”. There truly are no words in any language to describe the magic he brings throughout its entirety. Bogar is truly gifted beyond words, and I feel honored to have been witness to his confidence, intuitive nature, and ritual ability. I knew within my heart something had shifted as a result and Bogar’s deep compassion allowed me the time and space for that to occur. I have told all of my friends and family they MUST do a session with Bogar when he returns to the East Coast. I can’t wait and am looking forward to that time.
— Susan Laverty, CT
The rattle you made isn’t just a rattle or a simple shamanic tool. The energy you have obviously loaded it with is Archetypal Lineage Gift which wakes up and activates latent abilities and web connections. This simple and well made gourd rattle opens the gates of Otherworld wisdom, it creates a bright circle of empty awareness, it feels good in the hand and good in the heart and gentles the Shakti back to wakefulness. It is a sacred tool of the highest order and one I am honored and proud to own and use.
After using it’s rhythm sounds in meditation for these past few months I am aware of experiencing a deeper embodying of the archetypal lotus energy, transmuting the muck and mundane into joyous vibration. What a gift to be brought right into devotional space so clearly and powerfully with sonic entrainment.
— Tam
Argon is a mystic and alchemist for the new generation!
— John Burgos, Host of Beyond the Ordinary Show
“Watching Argon blossom into the incredible Artisan, Creator & Healer that He is has been one of the greatest gifts of my journey thus far, for I am inspired every day by the way he creates. Seeing him blend oils from recipes held within his very DNA is watching a master at play. His tools are infused with the excellence of his attention, the enveloping presence of his love and the touch of the Divine which he invites in through the beauty of ritual.”
— Greyson Kirby ~ 13 Moon Mystery School Ally & Priestess