Individual Anointing Sessions

Anointing is an ancient tradition of vibrational healing and spiritual connection utilizing holy oils and energy balancing techniques. It is a tradition of consecration and preparation that will lead you to a more intimate experience with yourself and the divine. This age-old practice, found in most cultures and religions, honors the soul in its various rites of passage.

Argon’s Anointing Sessions include sacred blends of the highest quality oils sourced and distilled from organic, artisanal producers. Many of these blends include up to 75 unique oils, a number that to any untrained alchemist would end up ruining the impact rather than creating medicine. Each of these blends is made with a specific intention and is carefully crafted at a particular time in the lunar cycle to create the most refined essence for its unique purpose.

Argon often also creates a custom oil blend for healing the particular challenge you might be facing. The oils work on an energetic level to shift the frequency state of your being and work in harmony with with your subtle and physical bodies based on your unique composition and circumstances.

An Anointing session begins by creating a sacred space and identifying where you are on your life’s path. Anointing oils are then massaged into the body, beginning at the soles of your feet, and ending at the crown of your head. 

The evocative fragrance of the oils awakens memories and stir emotions allowing you to journey inward. As you let go of the stress and tension of your daily life, you will sink deeper and deeper into peace. Invoking my intuitive guidance, I will work with a combination of techniques to balance your body and help you release emotional blocks. In the temples of old, each anointing was a consecrated rite of passage, helping you to release what no longer serves you, while affirming that you are a holy vessel of love.

To prepare for an anointing: Get a good night’s sleep and eat well, nourishing your body before your appointment.

Take some time to ask yourself these questions: What am I ready to let go of in myself and my life? What needs healing in my body? What is inviting healing or forgiveness in my life? What does support look and feel like? What has true heart and meaning to you?

Bring something that has deep meaning to you to place on the altar during your session. We will bless it and you will take it home.

After an anointing: Make certain not to make busy or social plans after your session. This is a very high vibration of work and you will need time to rest and integrate. Drink plenty of water.

2.5-3 Hour session $333.00

The art of anointing is over 7000 years old and I have been training students for over 40 years. Argon is the only man that has been through this deep initiation. He is my most beloved anointer with true gifts in his abilities to work with holy oils. To become an aromatic alchemist requires dedication and the ability to connect into the spirit of a plant’s essence. Argon is a master blender and honors this tradition through the anointing oils he has so lovingly created through Blue Dragon Alchemy. He has a true gift in his ability to sit with the oils that are being called into becoming his beautiful blends. It was an honor to certify Argon as the Priest/ Alchemist, master of scents, through the Emerald Temple. Argon’s mastery has qualified him to share his knowledge of holy oils and anointing as it was done in the ancient mystical temples. Argon is my temple’s treasure and I highly recommend his abilities to initiate through his devotion.
— Diana DuBrow ~ Scent Priestess of the Emerald Temple

“At a very vulnerable time in my life, I had the great pleasure of receiving and anointing with Bogar as one of a team of four practitioners. Let me make it very clear that I seldom allow men to touch my body (other than a partner) yet I have such complete trust and confidence in his integrity that I surrender without concern. While I can say that each of those who treated me are gifted healers in their own right, I felt a very palpable, emotional and heart centered healing take place in his presence. I was able to access deeply stored trauma and release emotions that some might call inconceivable. Bogar became a loving conduit for communication with a dearly beloved who had passed over the threshold of this world and was attempting to contact me and assist in my own healing. I will never forget his grace and the blessing of his service to me. I am honored to call him my friend. Do not hesitate to call upon his service for anointing, you will be
cherished and blessed”.
— Rosanna Ferrera
Anointing Jars ~ Egyptian Temple